Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

You better not bite me you ugly cunt.

Careless Timewasting;

Everyday i seem to become a slave to this fucking computer. I need to get out. Not like out for a "duck" like cricket, but like leave the house, to move into new worlds of....oh fuck im doing it again...


Note to whoever created English, you have a tiny dick and no one likes you.
I'm sorry, just jksing, your alright. Goes hard sometimes, i mean, if the dood didn't make English, how could i fail at it and write AW3SOM blogs.

AHHHHHHH! If i was a fat ranger i think i would kill myself.

I have a new inspiration, David Thorn; hes a ML. (and go look him up if you want a few lulz.)

Do you think Tasmania would mind if i sent a mob of armed pelicans into their state and take complete power? I would rename it Davetopia and work experience would be banned.

I heard curvy girls are now in. Weren't they always in. Like come on, they have what the boys want. INSIGHT!
Oh hey italics was on!


My blog has now been commandeered by amusing pickas...they are COMING!

Oh yeah, hes my hero... (Less than Three)



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