Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Abandon All Ships [love]

Work Experience = finished! :)

Hey, you know how there is a mothers day, and a fathers day...WHY THE FUCK ISN'T THERE A OFFSPRING DAY?!??!?!?

I mean come the fuck on, we only get our birthday and Christmas. Rents get Birthday, Christmas and Mothers/Fathers Day. Thats not cool. I'M NOT OK WITH THAT!

I say we rise up and create a revolution. Take government control, make Australia one state, remove HSC exams and make it compulsory partying each weekend, oh and add an offspring day or some shit.

Jaz sent me this. I laughed.

Cat committed suicide and I am being blamed?

I was visiting my neighbour who stopped by my car window to chat when I pulled into their driveway. After a few minutes I pulled ahead and parked the car. My neighbour and her daughter walked over to the back of my care and I opened my car door, got out and faced them. I noticed their cat was lying very still on the driveway behind them, and then it would flip in the air, and lie still, and flip in the air, and lie still, and finally it flipped in the air and lied completely still. While the cat was jumping I said...look your cat is doing tricks. Only to realize that I had run over the poor beast and snapped its spine with my tire. The cat died as we watched. The family is blaming me for killing their cute kitty cat.

Here is my question...should I get a free pass on this cat death since it was truly an act of cat suicide when it layed in front of my car tire. If it helps any, the cat seemed to be depressed according to the family.

Additional Details

1) I did say I was sorry.

2) I would hope that someone would have noticed a toddler crawling under my tire or perhaps would have been watching their toddler to prevent the kid from parking his diaper in a dangerous way. And, what are you suggesting anyway that we do a sweep for toddlers and cats anytime we move the car?

3) I offered to get them a new cat, only not quite as flat and still breathing. They turned this down as they had many cats already.

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