Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Monday, May 24, 2010


Hey all,

AH, i should be studying for English but im just resting before the storm i think...

I was reading through my previous blogs and am now hoping people took the time to look at the little things i did to prove a point. If you didn't, makes me still smile so doesn't really matter.

im so tired all the time these days, people get all defensive when i don't entertain them or act stupid, im fucking tired yeah? Just relax and go back to your own shitty issues.

4101 is written on my hand. I have no idea why and no recollection to it getting there. ITS JUST THERE, CHILLIN' WITH ITS LITTLE FULL-STOP. 4101.

Call me Ishmael. Thats not even a good line. Call me 4101; that would have been better. (Oh, and thats how you use a semi-colon [;] in a sentence fags).

Ive decided your a rock, because you act hard, but you get smashed very easily. Unlike me who's a diamond, hardest substance around. FUCK (Y)!!!! I AM AWESOME WITH THE CALLS!

Ok, over this.



  1. 4101!
    that bit was quite amusing man.
    woo for YODNM!

    No, it is not true. Diamond is not the hardest
    substance in the earth. But, presently, people have engineered materials
    that are harder than diamonds. Such as, tugnsten carbide, rhenium
    di-boride, and ultrahard fullerite. These materials are all based off
    of diamonds, but are made without the imperfections of diamond.

  2. oh and yesss i have an abbreviation now!
