Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

When I Evolve.

Im Sorry.

...for being a supa-cunt to you aye, with that snide shitty status and comments...

Fucking love you man.

You know who you are ;)

AHHH Origin is on currently. NSW are losing. OHHH i can look back upon this and be all like really? They were losing? That must have been an illusion because they end up winning by a massive margin.....ITS VERY LIKELY!

Oh and in funny news, i used a proxy to log on to Facebook at school, and when i got home i had a message left by Facebook that informed me that i had logged on through an American server when i was on the school bus on the daily afternoon trip to my house! FUCK YEAH for password changes! YES.

Ah i have nothing interesting to say except for my throat feels like Vietnam after a rather large Napalm attack which killed a couple of civilians and some Vietcong supplies. Oh it destroyed some crops as well, but not to many, i think it was corn, but im not that sure....

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