Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Monday, May 10, 2010

"There's a storm coming"...

Yeah i have Myspace!

You better watch the fuck out Norton, because Samuel "The Slayer" Buchanan is coming for you. Oh you think we don't know your dirty plan; but we do.
We have a secret weapon.
A bath of unlimited knowledge. YES, you know the one we speak of, he has returned, but only with more wisdom, we call it the bath 2.0.

Did you know the more you swear, the more hard you become. If you swear enough, sometimes you can cut down on your concrete milkshakes, i only had to have 4 today. (Y).

HEY, for anyone interested in tasteful music, you should check out this rad band,

There called Abandon all Ships. ;) personal favorite.

"Take a swing".


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