Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Not even close to being fiction.

ANNOUNCEMENT: 4 week in a row that i haven't to a party...


Im so cold right now, like shaking cold. I think im getting a cold as well. Hey, with a cold, i wonder why they called it a cold; was it because it purely makes you cold, or does it stand as a metaphor for the reactions other people give you when they find out you have a cold.

Holy shit gymnasts on the TV, there hectic.

Everyones so angry these days, or sad, or have rage mode turned on
Something made me angry today that probably shouldn't have. I just kinda...got jealous, and reacted like a knob. Strange.
Rage Mode

Interesting fact 1:

Your not cool for smoking.

For your next instalment of Interesting fact see my next blog. ! WHAT WILL IT HOLD!

ahhhh my head feels like its going to explode.

Picka Related.

This guys head should explode. Do the world a a lot of good.

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