Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brutal Screams and Soft Choruses@#%

Here's Johnny,

Well, my previous prediction about somewhat getting an illness was true. In medical terms i was fucked from Friday night to some time yesterday when my body suddenly began to give a toss and raged against my whore of a illness. ME:1 Illness:2

Im coming for your first born child you bastard.

Oh so wise, i shall spill some of my ever growing wisdom onto whoever shall grace their eyes onto their screenz.....

1. ALWAYS replace S's with Z's on the end of wordz; looks supa cool.
2. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STOP DOING IT.

Ok paragraph time. I am so sick of these god damn semi-colons that everyone seems to be using in more that moderation. Ok, i used to use like bucketloads, but, that was like when it was in vogue, nevertheless ITS NOT FUCKING CREATIVE.
The more ; you add at the end of blog titles, Facebook statuses, Facebook titles etc, it doesn't make things sound cooler or more alternate...
Also, its grammatically incorrect. This is an actual valid point on why not to use them. You may as well use @, # OR EVEN %, OR you could do all 3, @#% at the end of your fucking creativvve works.

Here's an example of your failure:

Dead Puppies;
Dead Puppies;;
Dead Puppies;;;
Dead Puppies;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

It doesn't matter how many fucking ; you do, the puppies are still fucking dead!
Now your killing puppies, great work;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Shes like forever.

Related :3



  1. all my blog titles end with ';;'


  2. I love this post!
    Friggen Lele does it all the time with every FB status ever.
    'Hey I'm Lele;'
