Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Seriously, like rawr-rawr status.

I see what you did there.

School again tomorrow.

Im keen to see people again that i haven't seen in a week. No doubt half of them wont have realised i was gone but hey, at least im not centipede. FUCK YEAH!

On Facebook today regarding organising a party someone commented,

"How about we accept that this thing has been doomed since the start and give the party scene a rest, fucking alcos"

To that i say, get fucked, why say it? This person needs to be informed, THE PARTY SCENE NEVER RESTS! As soon as the party scene dies, gravity will die, do you want that? huh! YOUR NOT HITLER SO STOP TRYING TO COMMIT GENOCIDE YOU FUCK! If this was a popular blog, like world-wide, i would get people to sign a petition admitting that the party scene will never die. Then this one person would realise that McDonald's adds are fucking shit.

Fucking over this blog right now, i cant think of anything to talk about or pay out, is this writers block, or do you have to be a writer before you can get writers block, because i don't think im a writer, you need talent for that. That begs the question, when do you become a writer? Because i writing right now, but im not considered a writer. Anyone who considers themself a writer, who purely blogs and writes short stories is a poser, and thus not a writer. lulwut?

I missed Underbelly again, i actually haven't watched one episode on TV...what the fuck am i writing now, even im fucking bored and im the one writing about it. Seriously, shut the fuck up.


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