Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Monday, May 31, 2010


My house got rolled.

For about the last 2 days my house hasn't had power. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS LIKE! Its fucking terrible. poor old siolowandarinawonina in the republic of Congo, im giving you props for your shit situation.

On Saturday morning at about 4:30am i was woken by the sound of my windows about to throw in the towel of life. I got up and realised there was a cyclone happening and i was all like....

So anyway, my table tennis table decides to fly awa, so me and my father have to stop it from doing a Merry Poppins and fucking off with its umbrella, fucking non-committing bitch.
When the sun rose we flipped the motherfucker over and that was that. Oh its broken too....

For the rest of the day i complained about not having power, but no one seemed to hear me because the wind is a fucking loud and obnoxious cunt. Then one of the tree's is all like later, so it decides to tilt at a 45' angle for about 3 hours while the only thing holding it is a small concrete path. After we realise that when it falls it could destroy the water tank, releasing 1000L onto the building site on the block below our house shit starts to get hectic. So long story short the tree falls and misses everything that it could possible hit by about 2 centimeters and basically breaks nothing... except the fence...which my father fixed in about 5 minutes. So what im trying to say is if that tree was with Al-Qaeda and was on a suicide mission, it failed severally. On ya!

The End.

1 comment:

  1. your so talented with all your swear phrases ha this made me laugh lots haha, your so funny, dave :) x your blogspot is in my favourites along with sammy's
