Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stevie Wonders Typing Efficiency


I should be doing some homey-work.

Haha, i wonder if i lived in a low social economic area of suburbia in north America, homey-work would be like helping my homeys role cunts and like bustin' caps etc. Thats my type of homework. If you guys really knew me, you would know that i already roll cunts on a regular and often bust caps, sorry, i'm just not gonna lie.

Today, my friend Jaz decided to "troll" the whole of Facebook by making me and my mate "in a relationship" and you know when that happens, its fucking official. I think if this works, its aimed at how hectic Facebook has become in our lives, like, if it happens of Facebook its the goss.

I am now going to ask you a question, if this keeps going on, GOSSIP GIRL WILL BE OUT OF A JOB.


I've just stumbled on a vital problem with gossip girl, she just gets all her information of Facebook, and everyone in that stupid fucking show is to stupid to realise. To this I say TITS or GTFO. If second option is chosen you should head straight to "Hardladtopia", (see previous blog).


Below are a chosen few picka's, one very relevant.



  1. i swear you are so cool, i enjoy your careless blogs, they make me laugh :D luv ya dave!!

  2. i'm sorry baby, i should never of done that. i love you and want you back.
