Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

D0 Y0() W4NT T0 D4T& MY 4V4T4R? (Nup, Thats It Your Getting Stabbed!)

"Break-up" season, again. Well at least i can be happy i'm not involved. But then again, i would have had something good to blog about in the "Get Together" season, oh well, move on.

I had a funny conversation today, it was about boarding in an all boys school. We agreed that if we did live there, everything would be FTB, or FOR THE BOYS! So, you would wake up to hear "Waking up FOR THE BOYS!", followed by "Eating lunch FOR THE BOYS!", then "Doing homework FOR THE BOYS!", along with "Taking a piss, FOR THE BOYS!", and ended with "Sleeping FOR THE BOYS!". Trust me, if you didn't find it funny, i sure did!

Mabes good chance of a concert this weekend, hoping for the best, but still in doubt.

I've realised that my blogs have become now, more boring that they originally were; meaning that i'm not attempting to insult anyone or anything, but if i'm going to be honest, i really do not give a fuck about the quality of my blog, because really, your opinion does not count.

Heres a Facebook Comment which i found amusing :3

I'll just leave this here...

oh, and this...

Thats all Fokes!


  1. friggan amazing humour man,
    hahah oh please write more often, i enjoy it oh so much.
    and post moar pics plz.

  2. thanks sammy...im just going to imagine that this isnt sarcasm :)
