Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spontaneously Combusting

So just calculated my death... Im pretty happy with that. 81.

YOU will pass away...

Cause: Spontaneous Combustion

Date: December 4th of 2073 at 10:15 pm, at 81 years old.

Thats pretty good. I have so much of my life to go; so many good moments, bad ones as well. But anyway, FUCKING PORTUGAL OUT OF THE WORLD CUP...AND FUCKING U-R-GAY ARE IN!?!?!?! THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD! ahh rage rage rage !

SO KEEN for my mate sammy's party this weekend, should go off the chain doggy dog dog lad son mate aye dog lad. AHH nothing better than having a rave with 150+ of your best mates, gonna be froth! Ill write something good about what happened soon. Not that anyone cares or should may i remind you. FUCK im starting to sound like one of those girls who's all like "omg and i ate cereal today, omfg, im going to put on weight, like omg i handed in an assignment, omg im such a slut".


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