Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

For whats it's worth.

...you should check out and like http://www.facebook.com/pages/Choicez/107294192653460?ref=ts. good stuff peeps!

Anyway today was a certain friend of mines 18th. So we got the lads together and thought, whats a way we can cause a little bit of humiliation for this one individual and create some roflcopters. So we though out of the square and used some hectic formulas like 12v-y+mx2. Anyway we created posters with embarrassing images and placed them all around our school. Oh yeah im a fugitive now, pretty crazy stuff. We continued the day by passing time using glad wrap and the birthday boys car. One of the memorable quotes was "Do you reckon he will know what is underneath", and "Can you guess what it is?". We got his reaction on film.

Happy Birthday Sammy, we love you bro!

FOR THE LOVE OF RAPTOR JESUS, Facebook fights SHOULD NOT BE A FUCKING TOPICAL ISSUE! Fuck me dead what have we become. Oh yeah using the "like" button to cause emotional trauma; lets all just stop being cuntbuckets and move the fuck on. FUCK! Oh and im pretty into everyone saying "wow, did you see that fight last night"...ITS NOT A FUCKING FIGHT! I SAW NO INJURIES! WHATEVER CLASSIFIES IT IS A FIGHT HAS SLIGHT MENTAL RETARDATION! The lives we live, wonder why we don't have a fucking carroll college version of home and away...oh thats right were all shit cunts.



  1. umm 18 ladies?
    i have a bone to pick with this young man...

  2. bec...been meaning to tell you something...
