Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

'Wear Aussie Flag as Cape, Fucken BBQ Hero Cunt'

Hey my name is Ilma,

I just wanted to let you know that everyone is less mature than me; thus making me the greatest person alive. Because i do everything right, i am aloud to give people dirty looks for saying quite normal things that i believe to be immature; because remember, im awesome.

All the teachers love me because i am more mature than them and i teach them everything they know. I have never got a question wrong or lost an argument because im always correct and will destroy you if you argue any other way.


Now, who remembers the base system? 1st, 2nd, 3rd and of course home. I love to look back and remember the good times, Oh how we have been corrupted.

Primary School:

1st base: Talking
2nd base: hugging
3rd base: holding hands
4th base: kissing


1st base: Slay
2nd base: Slay
3rd base: Slay
4th base: holding hands


Fuck im tired.


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