Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'd twist, lick and dunk all over you.

Once upon a time there was this Indian, a crazy Indian.

He traveled all around the world from IGA to ALDI looking for the perfect discount.

During one of his usual travels he encounted special time machine, which he believed was a magical portal to a new, super market with low prices. So he braced himself as he flung himself like a slut to a corner at the time-machine but the most XXXTREME thing happened...A HORSE LOOKING FOR SALT LICK ENTERED THE TIME-MACHINE AT THE SAME TIME AS THE CRAZY INDIAN!

*BLARG* the time machine said as the two hero's were thrown through the soft, comforting fabric of time into a new world; but that wasn't all...the horse and the crazy Indian were now combined as some crazy, super fucked up accident ...they were now... CRAZY HORSE THE INDIAN!

They went to Walmart and streaked all round the world.


or is it...


Producer: Me
Writer: Me
Lighting: Me
Dialogue: Me
Idea's: Sam
Sound effects: Me

David productions would like to inform you that this story is copyrighted or some shit.

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