Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Sunday, July 11, 2010


OH i want to write it but i wont. Anything i really really want to happen seems to alter just enough to not become a reality. I think its a possibility, but i know its not! I know im going to regret writing this because i will blame my failure on it; because if i didn't say it, it would have a greater probability of happening.

When i was talking shit with one of my mates the other day he mentioned "The Secret". Now "The Secret" is basically a scam where the believer buy this DVD etc and it teaches them of how if they believe in the power of positivity and say yes, its going to happen. Crazy stuff brah, but does it really work. I for one, after not being able to sleep one night thought about it. It could. Well, all i do is think negatively and if for once i just stopped being a pussy and said yes, its going to work out for me, and took a stab in the dark...id knife that fucker...

god i hope i have commando [pro] on...


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