Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Whale vs. Tiger; Take 1.

Ideas: Mr Ess

The sea was crashing around the boat like a thousand crazy bitches trying to rape Justin Bieber, the waves were like, huge bro! As the boat rocked and raved under the furious force of the waves, the Sumatran tiger's cage slipped from its inadequate location, and was launched into the sea disappearing for ever...

But this is not then end of our story,

The Tiger found its flippers and used them to get down. As the king of the animal kingdom frolicked in the ocean, the queen of the sea, the Blue Whale saw him in her turf, and decided to get up in his grills.

The trash talk began; the expletives were flying as fast as the storm around them. They swam in a circle formation, not losing eye contact of each other, wondering who was going to make the first move, who was going to start this encounter to end all encounters;

But as the Tiger charged up his lazer beams, the Nazi squadron who had been inspecting the confrontation intervened;

As the Tiger and the Whale were locked in constant state of Naughto rage, they were throw by this new threat...!

As the Tiger attempted to break left, and the Whale right, a special extra holocaustal Nazi net sprung upon them, trapping them like a large mammal and terrestrial cat in a barrel shaped like a net. They were stuck together, but for better or worse, they were going to fight it out...

As the Whale and the Tiger were hoisted into the air by the net, they continued their passionate hatred, not letting each other have a moment of peace. As the Nazi's flew over the Bermuda Triangle they reached a hight were oxygen became scarce, and death became plentiful.

Then all of a sudden, the net was released and the Whale and Tiger were locked in a constant free-fall travelling at equal speeds.

They realised that it was now or ever, only one of them would make it to the ground alive.

And so the battle began...

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