Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


A big one tonight I think.

I wasn't able to become a harty' pirate so this is how i think the night will go:

As all the various pirates arrive; some dressed more homosexually than others. Everyone will have a quite talk and giggle about their outfits, because they probably have nothing better to talk about than their current depressed lives.

They will all move their stuff around, looking for the best place to keep their belongings safe; like a mother trying to protect their nests, the party goers will circle their belongings, eyeing off any threat that might try and steal their clothes. Once they have sucessfully secured their equipment they will move down to the liquid filled area where they will engage in conversation until one individual who deems himself the greatest looking because he does a trillion chin ups a day will take his clothes off in order to attract another mate. Others will follow his suit and continue the mating procedure as they frolick in the water, trying to look attractive.

Oh and then everyone will get fucked up and have lots of fun and im not there cause i hate life and i think that i might just go jump of a bridge i want to be there why arnt i ther this is unfair wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfuckingwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Sorry, i got over trying to bullshit, so i'm going to type out this story me and my friend Harry Brown made when we were in year 7. I am not going to change a word, but at the time this was the funniest thing i have ever read/written.

....im fucking bored so im going to do it in a new post.

brb publishing.

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