Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


He walks up to her,

Says what he thinks,

Never got to hear what she thought.

...and that was my dream.

Shits fucked cunts.

The"official" last school day today. Shits so bad. Man, I don't even want it to finish. I'm going to miss just... fucking up; working out how to budge through a lesson; double periods; lunch and recess; mufti; excursions; scabbing money for the canteen; Viva la Stickaaaa; Red-arse; Handball tournaments; finding unblocked websites/games...then being blocked the next day; fights and conflict; unrequited year 12 love and relationships; scandal; bitches and fuckwits; frees; little in jokes that are just so silly that you laugh about for ages...weeks even, and just spending times with mates that i will never forget.

But thats all over now. All those little, small things that just bring happiness into life will be gone, and they won't be coming back. No matter what people say about, "no we will catch up and it will be like normal". Here's a fucking news flash you fucks, it won't!

New lives, new people, new friends, new in-jokes.

No time for the past;

And those left behind.

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