Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

And not a fuck was given that day

Thought i would come here because no one reads this.

I am now the new Facebook queen.

This must mean that Facebook is a monarchy, and that it is structured in layers of status, ['cuse the pun]; which must mean that there are levels of peasants and lower socially acceptable people who make up the rungs below me.

That's cool. So technically i own Facebook.

Win was created this day.

Here's just some background on my new appointment.

"Although the monarch's powers are vast in theory, they are limited in practice. As a constitutional monarch, the Sovereign acts within the constraints of convention and precedent, almost always exercising the Royal Prerogative on the advice of the Prime Minister and other ministers. The Prime Minister and ministers are, in turn, accountable to the democratically elected House of Commons, and through it, to the people.

The Queen can, in fact, appoint whomever she wants as Prime Minister. In accordance with unwritten constitutional conventions, the Sovereign must appoint the individual most likely to maintain the support of the House of Commons: usually, the leader of the party which has a majority in that House.

The Sovereign appoints and dismisses Cabinet and other ministers on the Prime Minister's advice. Thus, in practice, the Prime Minister, and not the Sovereign, exercises control over the composition of the Cabinet. The monarch may, in theory, unilaterally dismiss a Prime Minister, but convention and precedent bar such an action. The last monarch to unilaterally remove a Prime Minister was William IV, who dismissed Lord Melbourne in 1834.

The Queen also has absolute powers of pardon. This alone is a substantial power, as is the ability to make new nobles and knights. Although they serve no official function these days, many would do just about anything to get a title. Thus, the power to grand honours is a fantastic power. Finally, she is the head of state of the UK, Scottland, Norther Ireland, etc. Trust me, if your face is on coinage, you have influence over a great deal."

Feel free to send any money or gifts to the corner of dostat v prdeli and Du hycklare.

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