Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What was i thinking?

As another night draws to a close my mind starts to wonder to the weekend ahead. What could the next few days hold in my little world?

This thought then brings me to the my point of how our insignificant our little worlds are. Now lets think for a second; the World is 148.94 million square kilometers wide inhabiting 6,692,030,227 people and climbing, each with a story to tell and "issues" of their own which may very be more interesting that yours.

Now that we have this fact in mind, the "issues" that we have in our little worlds of "deciding a hair cut" or the problem that "she doesn't like me" could be paling inconsiderable in-comparison to the most slender issue of one of those 6,692,030,227 people.

So next time you go to write a blog about your staggering issue(s) think for a second, does it really matter?

Sometimes our little worlds are "a little bit bullshit".


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