Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tokyoooooooo DRIFT DRIFT


Exams are almost over and i feel like just posting a blog that is anything that pops into my head as i type.

Ahead are 2 parties that i hold high hopes for. how was that alliteration? if i had a gold star id give it to me, selfless right?

Now I had this conversation with a mate today,

Jazza: What is your position on the situation of human rights in Myanmar?
My Response: Fuck Myanmar

Now, as you can see thats a pretty deep statement from me, but its true really. i honestly don't care that much about the human rights in some shit country a long away from everything that matters to me, yeah i know what your saying, "you selfish cunt". well you know what, if you say that you care about human rights in Myanmar in all seriousness, i would say, where the fuck is Myanmar. I know thats self centered, but no one, except maybe Mother Teresa and Jesus, really care about Myanmar or know where the fuck it really is. My take on the situation is that it doesn't really exist but really represents a new discovered continent where all the worlds hard lads are sent to were they can grow their hard lad mullets/rat tails and roll all the "homos" they want and act like the coolest people on earth, which they are... we can always dream can't we...
NOTE: Take a "hard" look at the name of the country.


I've been used as a scapegoat again which is always a joyous occasion.
Well, i think thats enough bullshit for tonight.
Ill leave you with one of my Favorite PPPikkas.

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