Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Blog Virginity.

Let me get one thing straight,

First Rule about Davids Blog, Do not talk about Davids Blog.

Second Rule about Davids Blog, Do not talk about Davids Blog.

Now let me give you an overview, This "Blog" is not going to be a huge metaphorical wasteland, nor is it going to be covered in quotes to prove an argument no one is going to dispute; this blog has been created for no reason other than be a waste of my time as i procrastinate. This blog, just might be, a little bit bullshit.

So this is blogging, Wow. The world we live in.

One day i might just look back on this webpage when im rich and famous with a model wife and million dollar house and say, wow, cool story bro.

What else do we talk about in a blog, mm, well my day, not that anyone who might read this cares, or at that should care, because really your cares should be focused on this else where, like about YOUR next blog, and what metaphors you could use to describe your below average day.

Hmm, this could very be the last time i do this. Mainly because im shit at writing and expressing my self, and also because my life really isnt that interesting, not that the story's of the other bloggers is just as interesting.

10:40. Sleeps looking pretty promising.


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