Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

4 Man Wolf Pack

My Fellow Comrades and I enjoyed a peaceful night last night with little to no excitement and story's to tell...SIKE!

Last nights fun could not have been predicted by anyone, let alone the wolf pack itself. Let me entail you a little about my night as if i do not, i will surely forget these unforgeable details...

The night started with little hesitation to open a cold one, and we were underway; off to a flying start.

After a little while we started to discuss drinking games, and i though of a great, and possibly life threating idea. THE JUSTIN BIEBER GAME. The rules were like this:
If the word "One" was said during the film clip Sammy would drink.
If the word "Time" was said during the film clip Guyda would drink.
If the douche touched himself Joshy would drink.
And if his "girl" came into the film clip i would drink.

Summing up Guyda finished 2 drinks in 4 minutes while the rest of us only finished a poor 1.5. Laughs all around.

We carried our on with a journey to Joshy's balcony were Sammy made a wonderful life choice by making a rule that every time a white car drove past he would drink...the white car ratio was approximately 20:1.

The fun continued until Guyda suggested we go for a relaxing stroll down to South. Along the way we met with some other young "Hooligans" who we joined forces with for a short time before they went their separate ways.

The wolf pack changed their direction as they tracked down another party to crash. It gets a little blury from here on for some unforeseen reasons but we ended up inside a house of some people we bearly knew.

Throughout the rest of the night we made new friends and the laughter continued. As we ended back at Joshys house with new members of our Wolf Pack, we were now a 8+ multisex wolf pack.

Joshy's garage was then used as our "crib" as the fun continued.

Then for the next 4 hours as we tried to get to sleep Sammy and "Caroline" argued about sam's cardigan and his sexual orientation. Riveting Stuff. Some of the more memorable quotes were "Your a fag", "Shut up Slut", "Well My Cardigan has pockets".

As we arose the next morning it was met with sly smiles and jokes and embarrassed faces all round.

Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th of March were Days that i will never forget and this blog will make sure of it.

one last thing,


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