Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Oui Oui, Baguette!

To my Aunty and Uncle,

FUCKING 20 PAGES? Are you fucked, jesus christ what do they expect from us these days.

OK, this is how is goes;

Im sitting in this exam room with a novel in front of me, requiring me to write about every fucking thing that has every happened, and is going to happen, and could of happened if Stalin wasn't such a possessive fucking whore. So hour and a half in and my hand makes like a banana and kills itself. So im sitting there, with one hand, half way though the 600 page biblical metaphor that is the modern history exam paper, about to drown in poorly photoed copied paper, and i though to myself, how the fuck do clocks work?

Next weekend is set to go off is proverbial chain:

We will be graced by two of the greatest DJ's the S.C. has ever seen; DJ 'O'o and....Vee.
'O'o combines the grace of a thousand flaming eagles as he works the crowd into a state of virtual sex, while Vee's essence of coolness and alternative tunes blow the minds of the intoxicated crowd.

It is set to be a night to remember.

Now i shall devote myself to trying to memorise the entire mathematics course over 2 days... which will result in me STILL being fucking shit at math; a battle that has raged from the days of year 8...not "SEVEN!!!".

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