Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The laughing adventures;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

My day started with naughto shiting his pants as aiden came from behind, but everyone should probably be used to this...

The laughs continued to Naught'0's house where aiden continued to fail as he attemped to scan photographs while naughto continued raging....its actually a fact that naughto was born raging and will die raging.

We then continued to the house of happiness as i like to call it ;), where we started to count the amps/speakers/rolLANDS......we stopped after an hour or two because there was too many to count. WE then spent 2 hours dicussing how they needed more speakers...so that they could have more electricity to get more speakers...

After travelling back and forth to dales, and aidens (mums bedroom), we finally stopped for the night at dales to set up the quater of a million speakers. This continued for another 4 hours until the party, where basically we all got really drunk, and aiden failed at doing shots.

After 6 hours of being a tosser, me and aids walked back to his house, pumping the tunes on his lappy. It would have been better with a speaker on a trolly, but we would have got gang raped, Which isn't ok.

When we arrived at his house, where we overhurd a conversation that was comprised of "diddle" and "love". No doubt Joshy attempting to talk dirty. Aiden then fetched a bottle of coke to sober up on, but failed once again as he was being tripped out by the bubbles and successfully put coke everywhere. The mega-obsorbant towel was located and saved the day.

Josh and Aiden then slept in the same bed while i was disgusted about what had happened to the matress i was unfortunatly lying on. As i was texting people to piss both of them off, naughto hit my "piece of shit brick" out of my hands as the glow of it flashed across the room smashing into aidens wall, making a final beep...the only fucking thing it is capable of.


P.s. Sorry aiden...i had to pay you out due to "Aiden Feeney because that would be just be paying out aiden
17 minutes ago · ·

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