Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fucking confusion

Just give me a sign.

fuck dicks,

Friday, July 23, 2010

Nat :3

and in response,

She makes me smile lots.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'd twist, lick and dunk all over you.

Once upon a time there was this Indian, a crazy Indian.

He traveled all around the world from IGA to ALDI looking for the perfect discount.

During one of his usual travels he encounted special time machine, which he believed was a magical portal to a new, super market with low prices. So he braced himself as he flung himself like a slut to a corner at the time-machine but the most XXXTREME thing happened...A HORSE LOOKING FOR SALT LICK ENTERED THE TIME-MACHINE AT THE SAME TIME AS THE CRAZY INDIAN!

*BLARG* the time machine said as the two hero's were thrown through the soft, comforting fabric of time into a new world; but that wasn't all...the horse and the crazy Indian were now combined as some crazy, super fucked up accident ...they were now... CRAZY HORSE THE INDIAN!

They went to Walmart and streaked all round the world.


or is it...


Producer: Me
Writer: Me
Lighting: Me
Dialogue: Me
Idea's: Sam
Sound effects: Me

David productions would like to inform you that this story is copyrighted or some shit.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Step by Step Process.

Step 1:


And Paste Lyrics (ctrl + v)

Step 3:

Get the website to sing it to you

Step 4:


Step 5:

ctrl +alt + del and go into task manager

Step 6:

Go into processes and end Explorer.exe

Step 7:


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Princess Nat

Hey sluts,

FUCK! A certain pretty cool friend of mine told be to download a song by aKON; Nosy Neighbor.

Anyway, the song itself is pretty rad, but if you actually listen to the lyrics...this fuck should be arrested for breaking privacy rules or some shit.

My binoculars on, alone, staring out my window, i see the best creation of a women that i ever saw in a long long time, Some say it is wrong...

Say its wrong; your fucking right its WRONG YOU FAGGOT! Who the fuck do you think you are Mr Akon. Your a peverted fuck and i would like you to die.

Anyway, im fucked for idea's so ill just leave this...


Monday, July 12, 2010


Have you ever wanted something so bad,

but you know you can't have it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


OH i want to write it but i wont. Anything i really really want to happen seems to alter just enough to not become a reality. I think its a possibility, but i know its not! I know im going to regret writing this because i will blame my failure on it; because if i didn't say it, it would have a greater probability of happening.

When i was talking shit with one of my mates the other day he mentioned "The Secret". Now "The Secret" is basically a scam where the believer buy this DVD etc and it teaches them of how if they believe in the power of positivity and say yes, its going to happen. Crazy stuff brah, but does it really work. I for one, after not being able to sleep one night thought about it. It could. Well, all i do is think negatively and if for once i just stopped being a pussy and said yes, its going to work out for me, and took a stab in the dark...id knife that fucker...

god i hope i have commando [pro] on...


Sunday, July 4, 2010

We made it to 11:30

What a night.

All i remember is just being angry. I couldn't understand that someone could fuck this up so bad for my mates who had put so much effort in to make it a good night. White smoke was covering the room as i pulled my friend out who was having an intense cough-rape fit. Being a hero, i decided to go get some water for her, not knowing what the white cloud's of rape were; all i knew that someone was on the ground because of it. It gets a little hazy from here on but all i know is that i was trying to help people, but in reality, i was just probably a hindering their recovery.

How comedy has moved on. These days people find it hilarious to kick holes in walls and fuck shit up; i don't think i'll ever be that cool.

Besides that it was a pretty good night. Note to self; take a break from wine casts.


Friday, July 2, 2010

When a win involves death


This was posted on a certain website, and i believe this is the most hectic thing i have seen all day. The reaction which is created is mustard gas, that will, if inhaled, destroy your lungs and can cause death. I know its pretty old but for some reason it blew my mind, ahh!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

'Wear Aussie Flag as Cape, Fucken BBQ Hero Cunt'

Hey my name is Ilma,

I just wanted to let you know that everyone is less mature than me; thus making me the greatest person alive. Because i do everything right, i am aloud to give people dirty looks for saying quite normal things that i believe to be immature; because remember, im awesome.

All the teachers love me because i am more mature than them and i teach them everything they know. I have never got a question wrong or lost an argument because im always correct and will destroy you if you argue any other way.


Now, who remembers the base system? 1st, 2nd, 3rd and of course home. I love to look back and remember the good times, Oh how we have been corrupted.

Primary School:

1st base: Talking
2nd base: hugging
3rd base: holding hands
4th base: kissing


1st base: Slay
2nd base: Slay
3rd base: Slay
4th base: holding hands


Fuck im tired.
