Whale vs. Tiger? Who would win?

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I've really lost the ability to waste time posting.

This might be my last.

Never know.

Love you.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Meeting Ernest.

Same blogs, same selfish and selfless complaining which is read by a total of 6 people, but hey! what a read.

HSC is almost over, and thank fuck for that. If i had to go another fucking homosexual week in my fucking house, without getting drunk...once...im going to cry....a thousand tears of blood or some emo shit like that.

What did I used to write in blogs, fuck...as I remember.

Well, ill write about MC turts. He was quite a mad cunt.

Anyway, I strut out my door of my room and im hit by the sun; the first sun I had seen in about 00=jr0tq32i5r-013i134325 years due to study reasons. Anyway I go to open my gate and there's this little green guy, staring up at me, probably wondering why i'm so white. Anyway this little guy just keeps staring as i do a trippple back-flip due to never seeing a turtle in the wild. So we just stare at each other, for like 30 seconds...and then i was like...wait...what happens if he's lost...or looking for a friend...or a rave!??!?!

So I say to the little dood,

"Yo bruva what you lookin' at fool?"

It turned out he was just searching for the rave he had heard coming from my room. I told him it wasn't anything special, but he insisted he say for at least 2 and a half songs. After taking a shit load of MDMA I don't really remember what happened, except for the turtle and me discussing why the world is so full of hate. As we slowly stopped being ruthless, he gave me his thanks for the rave, and he went on his way.

I never saw him again, but i did put a posted note on his shell which said "eat me".

The moral of the story being that the turtles name was Ernest and his life motto was "Fuck the Gators".